Tuesday 11 March 2014

Spring has sprung!

Which is a perfect excuse to start taking loads of pics with various photo apps on my phone again!

...and also buying new make up!

Oh comely, the best magazine if you love reading actual interesting articles about people and love pics of vintage photography, illustration and quirky ideas or recipes.

My bracelet from an independent shop called Walnut and weave, its by a company called one button. It was quite pricey but its so delicate and pretty, perfect for spring.

The lipstick I got from Maybelline is a beautiful nude colour that glides on really easy and quite subtle, not too nude if you know what I mean. Its in the shade Sultry sand. 

I picked the Barry M nail varnish up because it was cheap, new and sparkly which I shouldn't have done because its not very good. I wore it over the top of a few colours but it really doesn't show up well unless you put it over white or something similar. However love the L'oreal one in the colour Nouvelle Vague which is a really nice pale lilac with blue hues in. Love these l'oreal ones because they are good quality and stay on a lot longer than others. They have a really good brush too that just glides over your nail in one go.

and meee, looking quite stern in the sun glare :)

Thursday 7 February 2013

Facebook page

I now have a facebook page YAY, where I will be updating with lots of work and posts about how I achieve certain images.

Also there will be a prize when I reach 100 likes! Not sure what yet, but I'm sure it will be something awesome :p


Sunday 27 January 2013

Channel 4seven final video!

After my final idea kept going wrong, I decided to take it back to being simple and remembered the video I made that I thought would be good before of the lady sweeping the numbers into something so I got some old wood shavings and set up a scene, this time getting the camera in a good position where you could see everything. In the last videos I had a terrible time with focusing as the camera would focus on whatever was nearest and it made the video look really messy.

I think this one is definitely the best out of the others, but if I had more time I would have developed it further and tried to make it look more professional, but I think I was a bit too ambitious with this brief as I am not used to animation and although I knew it would take a long time I thought I would enjoy it more than I did, which is a shame. Think I'll stick with photography and illustration!

D&AD brief no.2 -Channel 4!

For the second D&AD brief, I chose to make a short ident for channel fours new channel called 47 which is an alternative way to catch up with you're favourite tv shows from the last week. I knew straight away I wanted to make a stop motion video. I looked at the existing idents for the channels related to channel 4 and found that I really liked the e4 ones that were just complete randomness and had cluttered rooms with different objects moving around, I knew I wanted to go along the same lines.

I've noticed for a while these little railway figurines popping up on greetings cards, ads and over the internet. I really like them and have always wanted to try photographing them as you can come up with some really clever ideas, but never knew what they were! Here are some examples I found.

I went to my local railway model shop and bought some, next it was time to set up a scene! I couldn't really think of what to do and was eating some fruit at the time so I just used that and loved the outcome...

There is just something about them and they are so effective.

Thinking about what to do for the video I gathered a load of objects with the numbers four and seven on to try and represent the channel, I had fun messing around creating little scenes for them, but trying to do a stop motion video with tiny figures that don't bend is very hard and frustrating! Here are a couple of the early experimental videos..

(you might have to give them a while to load)

I have no idea why these ones are upside down :/

I really like the simplicity of this video

For this one I took the little people outside to play!

These were not working well, it was too cold and I wasn't getting the effect I had in mind, but after really like the one where I spelt out the numbers with pins I focused on that idea. I looked at each figurine closely and what it is that they do and there was one woman who was holding a broom, I had an idea to have her sweeping up something to reveal the numbers..

D&AD brief - The living dead!

...With this new idea in mind, I ordered some face paints and invited my cousin round to get creative turning ourselves into skeletons! I wanted to try and capture us sat in front of the tv or somehow draped around it to show how the youth of today are being taken over by technology.

Here's us getting ready!

And here are the images!

Although rather scary, I think some of these could be really effective!

I did a lot of playing around with them...

I love all of these, some look a bit too busy though and noticeably photoshopped. I added photos of little light dots known as bokeh that I had taken over the years to give them some interest. For the last one I added the music symbol I did earlier during the drawing with light phase. I think it adds something to the tv. The last image is my favourite and will be my final image that i'll submit!